Docker El Capitan

Docker Captain Program. Docker Captain is a distinction that Docker awards select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their Docker knowledge with others. Captains are Docker ambassadors (not employees) and their commitment to sharing their expertise has a huge impact on the Docker. Here's how these concepts work in OS X El Capitan. Recent versions of OS X are much better at handling Mac setups with multiple displays, but many users don't know that they can further customize. Docker fails to start on Mac (El Capitan) #899. Snoopdave opened this issue on Nov 5, 2016 2 comments. Lifecycle/locked osx/10.11.x status/0-triage version/1.12.1. Djs55 added osx/10.11.x status/0-triage version/1.12.1 labels on Nov 7, 2016. Djs55 closed this on Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Docker El Capitan Free
  2. Docker El Capitan Download
  3. Docker Toolbox El Capitan
  4. Install Docker El Capitan
  5. Docker Desktop For Mac El Capitan

Welcome to the AzerothCore Docker guide!


Installing AzerothCore using Docker is a simplified procedure that has several benefits:

  • It's very easy! Docker will do all the dirty work for you.
  • It can be done in all operating systems where Docker is available (including Windows, GNU/Linux, macOS)
  • You don't need to install many dependencies (forget about visual studio, cmake, mysql, etc.. they are NOT required)
  • Forget about platform-specific bugs. When using Docker, AzerothCore will always run in Linux-mode.
  • There are many other benefits when using Docker


Software requirements

The only requirements are git and Docker.

New Operating Systems [recommended]:

  • For GNU/Linux install Docker and Docker Compose
  • For macOS 10.12+ Sierra and newer version install Docker Desktop for Mac
  • For Windows 10 install Docker Desktop for Windows

Old Operating Systems [not tested]:

  • For macOS older than 10.11 El Capitan and older install Docker Toolbox for Mac
  • For Windows 7/8/8.1 install Docker Toolbox for Windows

Before going further, make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed in your system by typing in a terminal:

You should see a similar output:

Note for Windows users: you can use git-bash (the shell included in git) as a terminal.

Clone the AzerothCore repository

You need to clone the AzerothCore repository (or use your own fork):

Now go into the main directory using cd azerothcore-wotlk. All commands will have to be run inside this folder.


Inside your terminal (if you use Windows, use git bash), run the following commands inside the azerothcore-wotlk folder

NOTE: the following procedure uses our dashboard, however, these commands are a shortcut of the docker-compose can check the docker-compose commands used in background by running ./ docker --help and read the description of each command

1) Download the client data:

NOTE: This command should be executed only at the first installation and when there's a new version of the client-data available

2) Compile AzerothCore:

It will build docker images, compile the core and import needed SQL files automatically!This may take a while. Meanwhile you can go and drink a glass of wine

NOTE For dev: if you are working with code and you need a fast way to compile your binaries, the command abovecan be a bit overkill for you because you probably do not need to rebuild images or import SQL if you have not changed them.Therefore, we suggest to use one of the following solution instead:

  • ./ docker build:compiler it only builds the dev image and compiles the sources without importing sql.
  • ./ docker dev:build it's similar to the previous command, but it uses the dev-container which uses volumes instead of the container. It can be faster on some configurations.

3) Run the containers

Congratulations! Now you have an up and running azerothcore server! Continue to the next step to create an account

If you need to run this in background, you can use the following command to run the docker-compose detached mode:

4) Access the worldserver console

Open a new terminal and run the following command

If you got error message the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command with 'winpty', you may run the following command

Install docker el capitan

find the name of worldserver

and then attach the worldserver name with winpty

This command will automatically attach your terminal to the worldserver console.Now you can run the account create <user> <password> command to create your first in-game account.

5) Access database and update realmlist

To access your MySQL database we recommend clients like HeidiSQL (for Windows/Linux+Wine) or SequelPro (for macOS). Use root as user and as default host.The default password of the root DB user will be password.

Unless your server installation is on the same network as your client, you might want to update the realmlist address in the acore_auth database with your server public IP address :

How to keep your AzerothCore updated with the latest changes

First of all, you just need to use the git tool to update your repository by running the following common command:


git pull origin master : this will download latest commits from the azerothcore repository

Then you can just run the following command:

./ docker build: to rebuild the images and generate new binaries. Moreover, it will also import latest database changes.

NOTE: We do not update so often the client data, but when it happens you can run the following command:

./ client-data: it will download the new version of the client data if there's a new version available

How to run the worldserver with GDB

Running the server with GDB allows you to generate a crashdump if the server crashes. The crashdump file is useful for developers to understand which lines are failing and possibly fix it.

Keep in mind that you should compile your code with one of the following compilation types: Debug or RelWithDebInfo, otherwise GDB won't work properly

To enable GDB the steps are the following:

  1. Create a file under the /conf/ directory of the azerothcore-wotlk repository
  2. Add this configuration inside: AC_RESTARTER_WITHGDB=true. It will configure the restarter used by our docker services to use GDB instead of the binaries directly
  3. Restart your containers and that's it!

If the server crashes, you will find the crashdump file (gdb.txt) within the /env/docker folder

How to use the dev-container

Within our docker-compose you can find the ac-dev-server serviceThis service is used for our build and db operations, but it can also be usedby you to develop with the VSCode Remote Docker extension

A dev-container lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. The .devcontainer folder in our project contains files to tell VS Code how to access (or create) a development container with all the needed tools. This container will run the AzerothCore with all the software and the configurations needed for working with our codebase and debugging the server.

Inside the azerothcore repo there's a pre-configured devcontainer.json that can be opened by using the VSCode command palette.To setup the Dev-Container follow these steps:

  1. Copy the docker-compose.override.yml file from the /conf/dist folder to the root directory of the azerothcore repo. (needed until this will be solved)
  2. install the remote-container extension
  3. Open the azerothcore folder inside VSCode
  4. Open the VSCode command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and run: >Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container

IMPORTANT: The dev-container also contains a pre-configured debugger action that allows you to use breakpoints and debug your worldserver.

Do not forget that you need to Remote Container extensioninstalled in your Visual Studio Code IDE

How to debug your code with the dev-container

NOTE: Keep in mind that you should compile your code with the Debug mode, otherwise the debugger won't work properly

Once inside the VSCode dev-container you can go to the debug session and use the Linux/Docker debug action as you can see in this image:

It will run a worldserver in debug mode and then you can start placing breakpoints in your code to debug it.

For more info about how to debug in vscode you can refer to the official guide

How to create a second realm with docker-compose

To create a second realm we suggest you to take a look at the example available within the repository.

More info

Adding Modules

To add a module simply place the module directory inside of the /azerothcore-wotlk/modules directory.

After adding a module you'll have to rebuild azerothcore:

If the added module makes use of configurations files you'll have to place them in the azerothcore-wotlk/env/docker/etc/modules directory. If this modules directory doesn't exist, you'll have to manually create it yourself.

After rebuilding you can (re)start the containers again.

Memory usage

The total amount of RAM when running all AzerothCore docker containers is less than 2 GB with no players online.

This is an example of a fresh, empty AzerothCore server running with Docker on macOS:

When used on GNU/Linux system, the amount of memory used by Docker is even less.

Docker containers vs Virtual machines

Using Docker will have the same benefits as using virtual machines, but with much less overhead:

AzerothCore running on macOS with Docker

AzerothCore running on Windows 10 with Docker

Docker reference & support requests

For server administrators, we recommend to read the Docker documentation as well as the Docker Compose reference.

If you want to be an administrator of an AzerothCore production server, it helps if you master the basics of Docker usage.

Feel free to ask questions on StackOverflow and link them in the #support-docker channel of our Discord chat. We will be happy to help you!


Where are the etc and logs folders of my server?

By default they are located in env/docker/authserver/ and env/docker/worldserver/.

How can I change the docker containers configuration?

You can copy the file /conf/dist/.env.docker to .env and place it in the root folder of the project, then edit it according to your needs.

In the .env file you can configure:

Docker El Capitan Free

  • the location of the data, etc and logs folders
  • the open ports
  • the MySQL root password

Then your docker-compose up will automatically locate the .env with your custom settings.

How can I start, stop, create and destroy my containers?

  • The docker-compose start --profile app start will start your existing app containers in detached mode.

  • The docker-compose stop will stop your containers, but it won't remove them.

  • The docker-compose --profile app up builds, (re)creates, and starts your app services.

  • The docker-compose down command will stop your containers, but it also removes the stopped containers as well as any networks that were created.

  • ⚠️ The docker-compose down --rmi all -v : command will stop, remove, and delete EVERYTHING. Including the volumes with the associated database ⚠️

How can I delete my database files?

Warning Once you've deleted your database files they are unrecoverable unless you have a backup.

To remove your database files you firstly want to make sure that your containers have been stopped and removed by typing: docker-compose down.

After stopping and removing your containers you can proceed to remove the volume by typing: docker volume rm azerothcore-wotlk_ac-database

Note If you've changed your folder name from the default azerothcore-wotlk the volume name will be slightly different. To find the new volume name you can use the command docker volume ls. The volume should be labelled something along the lines of xxxx_ac-database.

macOS optimizations (for dev server)

The osxfs is well known to have performance limitations, that's why we optimized the docker-composefile for the osxfs by using volumes and the 'delegated' strategy. However, we also introduced an experimental feature to let you use named volumes instead of binded ones.You can use this feature by setting this environment variable in your .env file:


This will copy all the external sources in a persistent volume inside docker which means that, as a drawback, changes insidethe container won't be reflected outside (host) and vice-versa.

NOTE: If you are not experimenting any particular issues with I/O performance, we suggest to NOT use this configuration

How can I run commands in the worldserver console?

Besides the usage of the ./ docker attach command, you can use a manual approach if you encountered any problems.

Docker El Capitan Download

First of all, type docker-compose ps to know the name of your worldserver container, it should be something like azerothcore-wotlk_ac-worldserver_1.

To attach: open a new terminal tab and type docker attach azerothcore-wotlk_ac-worldserver_1

Docker Toolbox El Capitan

Note for Windows users: using git bash on Windows you have to prefix this command with winpty. Example:

winpty docker attach azerothcore-wotlk_ac-worldserver_1

Install Docker El Capitan

To detach: press ctr+p and ctrl+q.

Docker Desktop For Mac El Capitan

Do NOT try to detach using ctrl+c or you will kill your worldserver process!